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Montessori philosophy states that when a child works at his/her own pace, they strive towards independence. They motivate themselves to learn and develop the skills needed to create concentration and determination. 


Dr. Maria Montessori (1870 - 1952) developed a philosophy of education, which enabled children to develop and learn naturally through spontaneous and self-directed activities, she recognized that during the first six years of life, children experience a series of sensitive periods. 


Montessori’s methodology aims to put the child at the centre of their own development. In short, Montessori allows children to use all 5 senses in their learning. Based on fundamental principles, the Montessori Method gives the child full authority over decisions on their intellectual development. 


The five areas of Montessori learning where children are challenged and gain a thorough understanding of each step, laying down a foundation for all future studies.


Practical Life - During the early years in a child's life, imitation is one of the strongest urges they feel. The practical life exercises thus allow the child to imitate various tasks such as: greeting someone with a handshake, sweeping the floor, watering a plant or folding clothes. The aim of the practical life exercises are to foster independence ("Help me to do it by myself"), coordination, order, concentration, as well as to provide opportunities for social interaction through lessons in grace and courtesy.


Sensorial - Sensorial curriculum aims to develop the Childs intellectual senses enhancing your child’s ability to observe and compare. Sensorial exercises develop skills in visual perception, auditory sense, and tactile, impressions. Sensorial activities aim to sharpen the quality of the five senses through texture, smell, colour, shapes, temperature, weight, taste, sound and dimension. Theses activates develop children’s way of abstract thinking and ability to form mental images.


Language - Activities in the language area enable the child to enrich their vocabulary, and focus on reading and writing. The sandpaper letters aid the child in the formation of letters, as well as teach the phonetic sound of each letter.


Mathematics - The main function of the mathematics materials are to establish a solid foundation with numbers and quantities. The materials are first introduced as concrete objects, and gradually progress to the abstract thinking of mathematical concepts.The materials present ideas in a concrete form while laying down the foundation for mathematics. When using the materials, the child manipulates quantities of ten, and also works with various materials related to geometry.  The child, therefore, has the opportunity to internalize many mathematical concepts even before being introduced to formal mathematics.


Culture - The activities developed around the culture area provide a basis  for exploration and help to develop an awareness and appreciation of our universe.  The five major fields of study in this area include: geography, history, zoology, botany and science.

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